How to Help Your Pet Enjoy His Senior Years

Take Him for Exams

Wellness exams are one of the most important preventive steps you can take to help ensure your pet’s continued good health. The American Animal Hospital Association recommends that older pets, or pets in the last 25 percent of their expected lifespans, be examined every six months. Regular wellness checks can help with early detection of diseases and other potential health problems.

Routine dental exams and cleanings should also be included in your pet’s preventive regimen. These cleanings are essential for preventing plaque and tartar on teeth, which can spread bacteria throughout the rest of the body and potentially cause serious health issues. Cleanings can also help reduce the risk of dental disease, which can lead to pain, difficulty chewing and tooth loss.

Keep Him Pain-Free

Does your pet have a hard time getting around? Does he avoid activities that he used to enjoy? If you have noticed any of these signs, don’t assume they’re a normal part of aging. Your pet might have arthritis.

Most often characterized by stiffness, lameness and pain, arthritis usually involves inflammation and degeneration of the joints. Arthritis can be caused by a number of factors, including repetitive stress, excess weight, injury and infection. Exercise and a good diet throughout your pet’s life can sometimes help prevent arthritis, but unfortunately these measures may not always help.

If your pet is diagnosed with arthritis, there are plenty of ways to keep him as pain-free as possible. Help him maintain a healthy weight and make sure he gets enough exercise, but not so much that he aggravates his joints. (Just be sure your veterinarian gives his exercise regimen the OK.) Here are some additional ways to help keep your pet comfortable:

– Set up bedding on the first floor so he does not have to climb stairs.
– Keep him off cold, hard floors, which can aggravate arthritis.
– Place food and water dishes and litterboxes where he can easily reach them.
– Build ramps to help him get around (for instance, to help him climb up or off of the porch).
– Medications that can alleviate the pain of arthritis are also available.

Your veterinarian can suggest the best treatment options for your pet.