Can Dogs Have Spring Allergies?

For some of us, spring represents a time of rebirth: winter thaws, budding blossoms, cute ducklings and chicks. But for those of us with seasonal allergies, spring is less benevolent and more horror movie: runny noses, itchy throats, constant sneezes. If you think humans are alone in suffering when spring has sprung, think again! Dogs get spring allergies too.

Environmental allergies, or atopy, are the second-most common cause of itchy skin in dogs after flea allergy dermatitis. Although allergies can strike in any season, spring allergies do tend to trend toward outdoor triggers. While dogs with winter allergies may exhibit sensitivity to things like molds and dust mites, the most common allergies diagnosed in spring are weeds, trees and grass pollens.

A big difference between environmental allergies in humans and those in dogs involves the signs through which these allergies manifest. While most people associate allergies with hay fever symptoms affecting the nose and eyes, the same is not generally true for dogs. Although runny eyes and sneezing does happen with dogs, these are less common clinical signs. The most common clinical signs associated with seasonal allergies in dogs are associated with itchy skin and secondary ear and skin infections. The most common sites for itching and licking include paws, face and ears.

The first step in managing allergic diseases is establishing a diagnosis of atopy, versus flea allergy dermatitis, food allergy or one of the other conditions that may resemble these. Dogs can be given a range of treatments from allergy shots to different medications, such as, antihistamines to more potent immune-modulators. Each has advantages and drawbacks and response can vary from dog to dog, so it’s important to always use the medications under careful guidance from a veterinarian in order to get the best results.

Good luck this spring allergy season!



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5 Things That May Trigger Your Pet’s Allergies  

It’s allergy season for humans, and many of us are carrying tissues and rubbing itchy, swollen eyes. But did you know that your pet could be suffering from allergies too?Environmental allergens, like the things that bloom at this time of year, can bother your pet, and there are several other things you might not realize they can be allergic to as well.
Below, take a look at a handful of things you might not have realized your cat or dog could be allergic to.


It may not come as a surprise that those pesky fleas are the biggest concern. Pets with flea allergy dermatitis are hypersensitive to flea saliva, and even the bite of a single flea can cause a reaction in some pets. This means that remaining on flea and tick preventatives are particularly important for these pets.


House Dust mites
Do you sneeze when your home is dusty? House dust mites are another common allergen for our pets. Maintain a clean environment for your pets and their belongings. 

Your pet could also have an allergy to certain foods. Should a food allergy be suspected , your veterinarian can give proper guidelines on how to best perform a diet trial, which is a lot more strict and difficult than simply shopping around for different types of food found at the pet store. If appropriate, vets can also perform allergy testing to help you get to the bottom of things. In other words, allergy testing can help determine if your pet is allergic to other things than food. Pets with food allergies may require lifelong special prescription diets. 


Seasonal Allergies
Pollens, molds and other environmental allergens can bother your cat or dog, too. Pets with seasonal allergies can be treated both with long-term medications, or they can be desensitized to their allergens through allergen-specific immunotherapy (allergy shots), just like in people.


Other Pets and People
Much like we can be allergic to cat and dog dander, humans have dander that our pets can be allergic to as well. And cats and dogs can even be allergic to each other’s dander. There is a different allergen in felines, known as the fel D1 protein. It is often found in saliva and oil gland secretions and likely plays a role in canine allergies to cats. If allergy tests show your dog or cat is allergic to you, allergy shots are a long-term medical option.


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Ticks and Pets: How to Spot, Remove and Avoid Them Altogether

When temperatures rise, pets tend to spend more time outside, either relaxing in the sunshine, taking long walks or playing. While the fresh air and exercise are great for them (and you!), it’s important to be aware of some outdoor risks — specifically, bugs and parasites that can bite your pet and make him sick. But don’t worry, taking a few precautions before you head outside can help keep these pests away.

The Troublesome Tick

Ticks are attracted to motion, warm temperatures and the carbon dioxide that your pet exhales. Ticks cannot jump or fly, so they climb onto objects like fences or vegetation. They wait there for a human or animal to walk by so they can cling onto an unwitting host and hitch a ride. Ticks can carry different pathogens (disease-causing microbes), depending on the area of the country in which you live.

Once ticks find a host, they take a bite — though your pet probably won’t even feel it. The bite can transfer pathogens to a pet, which can lead to disease, or the bite site can become infected. If this happens, your veterinarian will often treat the infection with oral antibiotics. Topical antibiotics aren’t enough, as the infection could have already spread through your pet’s body, making it much harder to treat.

Keeping Ticks at Bay

One of the best ways to deal with ticks is to avoid them in the first place. Don’t take walks in the woods during prime season. Keep the grass, trees and bushes in your yard trimmed, and clear away any brush where ticks might like to hide.

Speak to the veterinarian about which of the available preventive products are best suited to your geographic area and the age of your pet. These products help kill ticks, but be sure you check with your veterinarian before using them. Some products should only be used on adult dogs or cats. The new generations of preventive products is highly effective at tackling ticks, but only use them as directed, and talk to your vet before combining products. Insecticide sprays intended for use on clothing and/or humans should never be used on pets.

Most importantly, never use any product labeled for a dog on a cat. Products labeled for dogs may contain pyrethrins orpermethrins, which can be extremely toxic to cats . Your veterinarian can advise you on the best preventive products for your particular pets.

Removing Ticks

After your pet spends time outdoors, check him carefully for ticks, especially in hard-to-reach places (ticks like to hide in warm areas, so be sure to check folds of skin, under the arms, in the ears, between the toes, etc.). Keep in mind that ticks can be very tiny — some are as small as the head of a pin. If you find a tick on your dog or cat, first of all, don’t panic. Try to remove the tick as soon as possible. Cats can often remove ticks during grooming, but not if the tick is in an inaccessible place, like behind the ear. For safe removal, avoid touching the tick with bare fingers. Use tweezers to take hold of the tick, and pull slowly and steadily. If you can’t remove the tick’s mouth parts from your pet’s skin, don’t worry. Once the body has been removed, the tick can no longer transmit pathogens, and the area should heal on its own. Just tossing the tick down the sink or toilet may allow it to survive and crawl out, so first put the tick in rubbing alcohol to kill it. If you have a hard time removing the tick, or are unsure how to do it properly, contact your veterinarian.

By taking a few simple precautions and checking with your veterinarian, you can help keep your pet tick-free all summer long!

Facts About Ticks

  • lyme disease may be the most well-known disease that can result from pathogens transmitted by ticks, but it isn’t the only one.
  • Ticks affect many different mammals, birds and reptiles because they can transmit pathogens from prior hosts.
  • If a tick bites an animal with a particular disease, that pathogen can sometimes be transmitted when the tick bites another animal.
  • With your veterinarian, discuss possible tick-related diseases in your geographic location and the steps you need to take to prevent tick infestations on your pet.A little prevention can go a long way!


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